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A Cambodian Prominent Scholar Shares Insight on 36th ASEAN Summit

The 36th ASEAN Summit is going to take place on June 26, 2020 under the theme “Cohesive and Responsive ASEAN”.

“Cohesive” represents the idea of upholding the unity, solidarity and internal strength of ASEAN, increasing economic connectivity, deepening the ASEAN values and identities, and enhancing the efficiency of the bloc’s apparatus and promoting ASEAN’s partnerships with the global community.

“Responsive” reflects the needs of ASEAN to increase its proactiveness, creativeness and responsiveness to opportunities and challenges deriving from global and regional situation.

In this context, AKP’s reporters sat down by electronic media with Dr. Chheang Vannarith, President of the leading think tank in Cambodia, the Asian Vision Institute (AVI), to get his perspective on the progress as well as challenges facing ASEAN in building its Socio-Cultural Community.

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