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AVI Publication and Editorial Policies
Below are some policies and mechanisms to ensure a smooth review and editing process, timely publication of papers, and high-quality articles.

A. Authors and AVI Centres

  1. Papers submitted need to meet the acceptable standard of quality in terms of originality, practicality, usefulness, and relevance.
  2. Before submitting the papers, authors need to ensure that they have correctly followed AVI publication guidelines regarding format and citation and referencing style. If a paper contains graphs, tables, or images, the author must ensure they are clear and visible, and their sources are appropriately acknowledged. Please also refer to AVI’s most recent publications as the sample.
  3. Before submitting the papers, authors need to make sure that their papers’ English language has appropriately been edited and will require only minimal copy-editing by AVI Chief Editor.
  4. All AVI Centres need to have an internal review and editing mechanism to ensure that all papers from each centre meet what stated in 1, 2 and 3 before they are submitted to the chief editor.

B. Review Policies

  1. All papers submitted to AVI need to be reviewed by the chief editor before they are published.
  2. All papers submitted for reviews need to be waiting in a queue and reviewed on a first-come-first-serve basis. The authors should hear about the review outcome of their papers within one week for Commentary and two weeks for Policy Brief and Perspective articles. This policy is subject to change if the chief editor is overwhelmed by more urgent editing assignments from AVI, editing a book manuscript supported by AVI, or commitments to other AVI’s projects.
  3. Based on the quality of the paper, the chief editor may decide to:
    reject if the paper does not meet the acceptable standard of quality in content and English writing. The chief editor also rejects a paper if he finds it plagiarising other people’s works.

    accept conditionally if the paper meets the acceptable standard of quality and only needs minor or some revisions of content, language, data interpretation methods, or sources of data.

    accept unconditionallyif the paper is of high quality and needs only minimal language editing by the chief editor.

C. Editing Policies

  1. For a paper with unconditional acceptance, AVI Chief Editor will send the paper’s proof to the author for approval within one week for Commentary and two weeks for Policy Brief and Perspective articles after notifying the author of his/her paper acceptance.
  2. If the chief editor decides that it has been appropriately revised for a revised paper, it will be accepted and proceed to language editing.
  3. All papers qualified for language editing need to be waiting in a queue and edited on a first-come-first-serve basis. The authors should receive the proofs of their papers within one week for Commentary and two weeks for Policy Brief and Perspective articles.
  4. These policies 1 and 3 apply to the normal routine process of work. They are subject to change if the chief editor is overwhelmed by more urgent editing assignments from AVI, editing a book manuscript supported by AVI, or commitments to other AVI’s projects.

D. Notes

  1. All the policies stipulated in A, B and C do not apply to AVI’s administrative materials such as newsletters or the adapting of AVI Chairman’s speeches for publication. The administrative materials and speeches should receive urgent editing attention.
  2. Any amendment to the A, B, or C policies needs to receive at least two-thirds of the votes from AVI’s editorial board members. Directors of AVI Centres, AVI President, AVI Programme Director and AVI Chief Editor are all editorial board members. Each of them has one vote.
  3. These AVI Publication and Editorial Policies are effective from March 1st, 2021.