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AVI celebrates its 4th year of leading academic thinking

The Asian Vision Institute (AVI) yesterday announced the celebration of its fourth anniversary of leading academic thinking and research for a better Asian region.

Founded in 2019, AVI has been dedicated to providing policy-oriented research, analysis, and recommendations on issues related to regional security, international relations, and economic development in Asia, with a focus on Southeast Asia and the Greater Mekong Sub-region.

Throughout the past four years, AVI has conducted extensive research on a wide range of issues, such as regional security, economic integration, and governance in Asia. The Institute has also organised numerous seminars, conferences, and other events to promote dialogue and cooperation among policymakers, academics, and other stakeholders in the region.

“We are extremely proud of the work we have accomplished over the past four years,” said Chheang Vannarith, President of AVI. “Our research has contributed to the policy-making process in Cambodia and the region, and has promoted regional integration, stability, and prosperity.”

AVI’s team is composed of experts and researchers with expertise in areas such as regional security, international relations, economics, and governance. These thinkers have lectured in workshops and seminars to Cambodian youth who want to be the next generation of scholars.

The Institute also collaborates with think tanks, research institutions, and experts, inside and outside of Cambodia to fulfil its missions, including promoting inclusive growth and people-centred development, conducting practical policy and programme research, promoting multi-stakeholder dialogue, strengthen cross-sectoral partnerships and collaboration and advancing knowledge sharing and build leadership and innovation capacity.

In Cambodia, AVI has inked Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) with numerous institution to fulfil its version.

In 2021, AVI and Khmer Times signed a MoU to cooperate with each other based on a common vision and interest by organising events and activities, promoting relations and stakeholder engagement, and disseminating opinions and analysis generated by AVI. The AVI scholars have also been active in contributing their comments and opinion on the media to assist the public in understanding the regional and global affairs.

“AVI continues to be committed to providing high-quality research and analysis on the most pressing issues in the region, and to promote dialogue and cooperation among stakeholders in Southeast Asia and the Greater Mekong Sub-region,” AVI said in its statement.
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