(+855) 16484108
Jaya Smart Building 2nd Floor, Street 566, Boeung Kok 2, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh.



Latest Past Events

Welcome to Ācāra Legal Podcast

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The Centre for Advanced Research and Legal Studies (CARLS) of the Asian Vision Institute (AVI) is pleased to announce the launch of “Ācāra” - a legal podcast series co-organised with ASEAN Youth Advocates Network (AYAN) Cambodia and supported by WEduShare! Ācāra is envisioned to be a legal podcast series dissecting various legal developments in Cambodia […]

Great Power Competition: The Changing International Order and Multilateralism

Great power competition has become a new mantra that symbolizes the transitions from the post-Cold war international relations shaped in the early 1990s. US-China trade disputes that began to boil during the Obama administration were developed into a trade war between the world’s two largest economies under the Trump administration, significantly affecting global supply chains […]

Special Conversation on Hun Sen’s Worldview with Prof Path Kosal

Special Conversation on Hun Sen's Worldview with Prof Path Kosal, 6th October 2022, from 2pm to 3:30pm Cambodia had been through many conflicts, from the Khmer Rouge to the end of the civil war, before beginning to bring peace and development to the country. This discussion aims to learn from Cambodia’s experiences in peacebuilding, Hun […]