On 25 September 2015, global leaders made bold commitments towards building a better world for everyone by adopting the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These universal, inclusive, and transformative goals cover broad aspects of socio-economic development, governance, biological conservation, and environmental protection. Since the adoption, the SDGs have been integrated into national policies and strategies, with noticeable progress.
The main purpose of the AVI-SDGs Dialogue is to posit the SDGs at the centre of policy dialogue and formulation. Specifically, it aims to:
– provide a platform for multi-stakeholder dialogue on a wide range of topics on sustainable development, where practical policy options can be proposed;
– inform the public of the progress and challenges in the way towards the realisation of the SDGs; and
– create opportunities for key stakeholders to explore partnership and collaboration opportunities on the SDGs.
Video live: https://web.facebook.com/asianvision.org/videos/809484753008306