Event by Asian Vision Institute
Online with Facebook Live
Wednesday, March 24, 2021 at 9:00 AM UTC + 07 – 10:00 Am UTC + 07
Price: Free. Duration: 60 min
Public: Anyone on or off Facebook
You are invited to the 1st episode of the WDE Policy Dialogue hosted by the Centre for Inclusive Digital Economy (CIDE) of the Asian Vision Institute (AVI). The topic is “Crossing the River by Feeling the Stones: Women Leadership During Uncertainties”. The session will be moderated by Ms. Touch Socheata South-East Asia Director, Womentum, and joined by two distinguished guest speakers: H.E Dr. Tekreth Kamrang, Secretary of State, Ministry of Commerce; and Ms. Sunniya Durrani-Jamal, Country Director of the Asian Development Bank in Cambodia. The discussion will be livestreamed on AVI’s Facebook page on Wednesday, 24th March 2021, from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM.
Women Digital Entrepreneurship Programme (WDE) aims to empower women’s digital entrepreneurship and business skills via policy dialogue, training, research and publication in order to create a positive change in their communities.