(+855) 16484108
Jaya Smart Building 2nd Floor, Street 566, Boeung Kok 2, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh.

Dr. KO Young Kyung

Dr. KO Young Kyung

Senior Research Fellow


Dr. Ko is currently Research Professor of ASEAN Center, Asiatic Research Institute, Korea University. Since receiving her Ph.D. in finance from the Korea University, she has taught finance and carried out research work at institutions in Malaysia as well as in Korea. She authored books including “ASEAN Super App War” and “Future Growth Market ASEAN” and published academic papers in Journal of Banking & Finance and other international journals on equity offerings, payout, corporate governance, family control succession, capital markets development. Her working papers on mutual fund and transparency were submitted to international journals and her research work has been extended to startups as well as emerging markets. She has also been conducting business case studies and providing consultation to corporations in Asia. She is CEO of ASIA BIZ Lab, the co-General Partner of ‘SEA Next Unicorn Personal Investment Association’ with The Invention Lab (accelerator) and a supervisor director of Balhae Infrastructure Fund under KB Asset Management Co. She is the content creator of “History of Global Corporation” and Southeast Asian expert for 3PRO TV, which is the highest rated economy & business YouTube channel in Korea.  Since May 2016, she authored the article series and Weekly Kyunghayng and The Bell (Korean media) and currently write “Ko YoungKyung’s ASEAN Business” for Chosun(Korean newspaper), “Ko YoungKyung’s ASEAN Innovator” for FORTUNE Korea(magazine),  These articles cover the current economic issues such as GVC to start-up unicorns across Asia.

Contact Info

Phone : N/A
Email : [email protected]