(+855) 16484108
Jaya Smart Building 2nd Floor, Street 566, Boeung Kok 2, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh.


February 5, 2022

Cambodia’s economy: what to watch for in 2022

Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, Cambodia was a world leader in economic growth and poverty reduction. It sustained an average growth rate of 7.7% between 1995 and 2019, raising its per capita income from US$323 in 1995 to $1,621 in 2019, and graduated to a lower-middle-income economy in 2015. The poverty rate fell from 47.8% in 2007...
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Our Cases

The Asian Vision Institute (AVI) is an independent think tank based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It aims to promote inclusive, adaptive and sustainable societies in Asia.

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The Asian Vision Institute (AVI) is an independent think tank based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It aims to promote inclusive, adaptive and sustainable societies in Asia.

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The Asian Vision Institute (AVI) is an independent think tank based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It aims to promote​ peaceful, inclusive, adaptive and sustainable societies in Asia.

The Asian Vision Institute (AVI) is an independent think tank based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It aims to promote​ peaceful, inclusive, adaptive and sustainable societies in Asia.