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May 18, 2021

Calls mount for US, China to build bridges between them

Experts at an online discussion yesterday called for the United States and China to build bridges, pointing out that there is a growing trend towards decentralisation of global power during which collective agencies such as Asean and the European Union can play a key role. The remarks were made during the US-China Collaboration: Practical Pathways...
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The Asian Vision Institute (AVI) is an independent think tank based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It aims to promote inclusive, adaptive and sustainable societies in Asia.

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The Asian Vision Institute (AVI) is an independent think tank based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It aims to promote inclusive, adaptive and sustainable societies in Asia.

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The Asian Vision Institute (AVI) is an independent think tank based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It aims to promote​ peaceful, inclusive, adaptive and sustainable societies in Asia.

The Asian Vision Institute (AVI) is an independent think tank based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It aims to promote​ peaceful, inclusive, adaptive and sustainable societies in Asia.